Printmaker. Painter. Teacher. Art Historian
An artist who tirelessly puts positive energies into the art world.
Widely exhibited artist represented in public and private collections in the USA and Europe.
Represented by The Annex Galleries, Santa Rosa, CA.
Summary of Qualifications
Professional Artist Specializing in Printmaking: Extensive experience working with communities and individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and cultures.
Founding Director of TalkArt, Inc.: Established and led an art history lecturing service for 32 years in New York City and its boroughs.
Culture Bearer with Pomo and Coastal Miwok Tribes: Sharing diverse artistic processes to preserve and pass down cultural education for future generations.
Past President of California Society of Printmakers: Led an international organization dedicated to printmaking.
Supported by Prestigious Organizations: Received backing from Puffin Foundation, NYFA, Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, NaCri (Native American Center for Research), California for the Arts, and the Live Forever Foundation in Taichung, Taiwan.
Purchase Award! Delta National Small Prints Exhibition, BRADBURY ART MUSEUM
Fowler Center | Arkansas State University
Curator: Pedro Barbeito, Director of the Experimental Printmaking Institute at Lafayette College.
Exhibition dates are January 23 – February 26, 2025
Hunterdon Art Museum, Juried Print Exhibition 2025 Juror; Lauren Rosenblum, Jensen Bryan Curator, The Print Center, Philadelphia.
Sebastopol Center for the Arts IMPRESSIONS In INK
January 4 – February 2, 2025 | Reception January 4, 2025, 2-4pm
Delaware Valley Arts Alliance (DVAA)
In Deep Water-Confluence, Collaboration Installation, Artists: Jami Taback and Jane Ingram Allen
Reception June 28, 4-6pm
Saturday, June 28-Sunday, August 3, 2025 in the Alliance Gallery, located at 37 Main Street, Narrowsburg, NY 12764
2024 Creative Arts Award Recipient for In Deep Water
Friends of the San Francisco Estuary Partnership
San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles, California, Printed & Stitched
Live Forever Foundation, Taichung, Taiwan, In Deep Water-We’re in this Together, Exhibition, collaboration with Jane Ingram Allen, December 2023 – April 2024.
Grace Hudson Museum, Nov-Dec., Printed & Stitched Traveling Exhibition, Juror:
Christine Aaron, Ukiah, Ca, ArtArk, San Jose, Ca., June-July,
California Society of Printmaker’s 109 th Annual Members Exhibition, Piedmont
Art Center, Piedmont, Ca., October-November
Ely Center of Contemporary Art, Weather Patterns, New Haven, Connecticut
Thoreau Center for Sustainability, Tide’s Converge Gallery, In Deep Water:
Turning the Tide, Presidio, Ca. November 15,-2022-March 15, 2023
Puffin Foundation Grant Recipient
Gallery Route One, In Deep Water: Rising, Pt. Reyes, October 8-November 13.
Craft Contemporary Museum, Mini Print Exchange, Los Angeles, CA.
Sebastopol Center for the Arts, PULP, Ca. Alicia Bailey and Helen Hiebert, Jurors
Rowan University, School for Earth & Environment, Discovery Hall Installation, In Deep Water
Culture Declares Emergency, Global Innitiative
Artemorbida Magazine, In Deep Water collaboration, Jami Taback and Jane Ingram Allen
Craft Contemporary LA, Print Exchange, Los Angeles, CA.
Shimmer, Laney College June Steingart Art Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Jurors: Robert Abrams, Abrams Claghorn Gallery, Elizabeth Addison, NCWCA Exhibitions Chair
The Tannery Art Center, California Society of Printmakers Members Exhibit, May, Juror: Ann Hazels
Gallery Route One Project Space, In Deep Water: Rising, Collaborative Exhibition with Jane Ingram Allen, October 4-November 13, 2022, Point Reyes Station, CA.
Surface Design Association, May 2022 Newsletter, In Deep Water collaboration with Jane Ingram Allen
International Association of Papermaking Artists (IAPMA) April Newsletter, In Deep Water collaboration with Jane Ingram Allen
Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Emergency Grant Recipient, In Deep Water collaboration with Jane Ingram Allen
Pacific Rim Sculptors, April Newsletter, In Deep Water collaboration with Jami Taback and Jane Ingram Allen
UnEditioned, Manhattan Graphics International, online exhibition, NYC., Members Annual Exhibition, California Society of Printmakers
Piedmont Art Center, CA. , Extraction: Art on the Edge of the Abyss, Global Initiative on Climate Change
Gallery Route One, Point Reyes Station, CA., Searching for Meaning
Coos Art Museum, Coos Bay, OR., Expressions West, Juror: Yuji Hiratsuk, Sanchez Art Center, Pacifica, CA
Invitational-Extraction: Art on the Edge of the Abyss
Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol, CA, West Coast Print Fair
Center for Contemporary Printmakers, Norwalk, Connecticut, FOOTPRINTS, Juror: Dr. Jane Kinsman, 9/13-12/30, 2020
MarinMOCA Museum of Contemporary Art, Marin, CA., JUSTICE, Juror: Karen Jenkins Johnson, 11/14-12/24, 2020
Gallery Route One, Pt. Reyes, CA., Falling Open: On & Off the Page, Juror: Renee Owen, 9/18-10/25, 2020
Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, CA., 5x5 Celebrating 10 years, 12/3-18, 2020
Windows & Doors, Sebastopol Center for the Arts
Pandemic Transformation, Sebastopol Center for the Arts
H20, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Juror: Zea Morvitz, Merit Award
Footprints, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk Connecticut
First Impressions at the Davis Art Center, January-Feb,
Word/Image/Object 2019
juried by Alicia Bailey of Abecedarian Gallery & Special Collections Librarian, Brian Trembath, Denver Public Library
Martin Wong Gallery, San Francisco University, CA.
Merced Cultural Arts Center, California Society of Printmakers, Merced, CA.
Codex Book Fair, The Craneway Pavilion, Richmond, CA.
Print It!, Village Theater Art Gallery, Danville, CA.
Bay Area Fine Art Print Fair, Kala, Berkeley, CA., Inaugural
Portland Fine Arts Print Fair, Portland Art Museum, Oregon
L.A. Print Fair, L.A. Print Museum
23rd Annual Mc Nay Print Fair, Mc Nay Art Museum, San Antonio, TX.
Great Hope, The Annex Gallery, Monterey Pacific College, Danville, CA.
Venice Biennale, Invisible Cities, with Karen Kunc and Constellation Studios, Summer
Healdsburg Center for the Arts, Ca., Purely Abstract: Visions in Line, Form, and Color
Santa Rosa Arts Center, Chroma Gallery, Healing, Ca. April/May 2018
Bridge Artspace, Point of Departure, Richmond, Ca. May 2018
Sonoma County Book Arts Guild at Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Bound/Unbound, June-July 2018
Santa Rosa Arts Center at Chroma Gallery, Healing, Inaugural Exhibition, April/May
Sometimes Books, By Hand,
Portland Fine Art Print Fair 2018, January, Annex Galleries
Capital Art Fair, Washington, D.C.,, April, Annex Galleries
Great Hope Print Exchange, Union Gallery at UMass Amherst, February 12-23, 2018, National Monument Press,
Invitational, Curator: Zach Clark
"Climart" exhibition at the Academy of Art University Cannery Galleries.
Painted Words, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, June, 2017, Juror: Carl Rohrs
Art of Letter, Word & Book, May 5-29th, with North Bay Letterpress Arts,
Flockworks’ Art at Oddfellows Hall, Mendocino Village
Sometimes Books, Chance Operations, April 2-July 9th, Pt. Reyes, CA.
Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Painted Words, June 16-July 23rd, Juror: Carl Rohrs
Healdsburg Center for the Arts, Pop! The Power of Printmaking, May 20-July 16th, 2017
Jurors, Luz Marina Ruiz, Michelle Wilson, C.K. Itamura
Chroma Gallery, Nature Unbound, June 12-May 27th, Juror: Satri Pencak
Codex 2017 February-Craneway Pavillion, Richmond Calif.
Healdsburg Center for the Arts, Featured Artist, September/October, 2016
Piedmont Center for the Arts, 103rd Annual Exhibition,
California Society of Printmakers, September 3-October 2, 2016
Merced College of Art Gallery, California Society of Printmakers,
Dreams and Imagination, Sept 26-October 20, 2016
Sebastopol Center for the Arts, The Art of the Book, June-July 2016, Juror: Betsy Davids
Occidental Center for the Arts, Leaf and Petal, Root and Seed, July 15-Sept. 10, 2016
O’ Hanlon’s Center for the Arts, Wabi Sabi, June-July 2016, Mill Valley, CA.
Constellation Studios, Invisible Cities Book Project, October-November 2016, Lincoln, NE
Sebastopol Center for the Arts, The History of Printmaking and Solar Plate, Sebastopol, CA. June-July 2016
Nichols Gallery, Mendocino Art Center, April-May 2016
Sometimes Books, April –June, 2016
Kitty Hawk Gallery, Sebastopol, CA. The North Bay Letterpress Arts Art Show “New Work”, June-July, 2016
Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Members Exhibition, 2016
Sometimes Books, Autumn, October-November, 2015
Charles M. Schulz Museum and Research Center, Santa Rosa, Ca. “A Day of Innovation”, Adventures in Printmaking with Jami Taback, project based
Library Thoughts-5
MAMU Gallery, Budapest, Hungary June/July 2015
Jokai Klub, Budapest, Hungary Aug. /Sept. 2015
Graton Gallery, Flowers of Fire, November 2014
Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Steamroller Print Festival, 2014, 2015
The Echinacea Project at the Sunflower Garden, 2017
Dream Center in Santa Rosa, CA, The Wishing Wall, an interactive mailbox system filled with dreams, ideas, secrets, and communication, 2016
Woodward School, Freeport, NY, Adventures in Printmaking, Art for Kids at Risk, 1999-2007
AFFILIATIONS Past and Present:
California Society of Printmakers, Vice President
North Bay Letterpress Arts, Sebastopol, CA.
Sebastopol Center for the Arts & Healdsburg Center for the Arts,
Extraction: Art on the Edge of the Abyss Biennale 2021 Participant
Bancroft Library
Charles M. Schulz Museum Research and Education Center, Early Childhood Education
American Society of Contemporary Artists
Ceres, Chelsea, NYC
Penland School of Crafts, Worked with Harvey Littleton, N. Carolina, USA (1984-85)
Tatyana Grosman, Universal Limited Editions, ULAF, West Islip, NY (1968-69)
Hungarian Multicultural Center, Budapest, (1995)